Though both of these flying insects have 4 wings and can sting, there are many differences between bees and wasps. If you find a hive or nest of these insects in or near your home, do not hesitate to call pest control and have them safely removed.

Honey Bees
- Hairy bodies
- Fat, round bodies
- Flat, wide legs
- Some are entirely black; others are black and brown with orange or yellow stripes
- Have four wings
- Do not hibernate in the winter, live off reserves and heat from worker bees
- Produce honey
- Can sting a human once before they die; can a very soft surface sting multiple times
- Non-aggressive
- Social
- Live in wax hives
- Sip on nectar and drink water
- Smooth, shiny skin
- Waists are narrow
- Slender legs
- Bright black and yellow
- Have four wings
- Hibernate in the winter
- Cannot produce honey
- Can sting a human multiple times
- Aggressive
- Can be social or solitary depending on species
- Live in papery nests
- Eat other insects like flies, attracted to human food like beer and soda