Tag Archives: squirrel pest control

How to Squirrel Proof Your Home

Squirrels are a pesky creature known for their bushy tails and nesting behavior. They often take residence in homes or outdoor building structures, causing trouble for homeowners. They may tear up insulation in an attic, use it for nesting material, chew through electrical wires, and cause damage to your home. Once squirrels have settled in your home, they can be quite difficult to remove. Follow these tricks to squirrel proof your home.

Squirrel proof

5 Squirrel Proof Home Tips

1. Repair damaged potential entry points to home like eaves, soffits, and roofing. Squirrels can scale trees easily and have excellent jumping skills, making few heights off limits. Any tiny home damage should be examined seriously and repaired quickly to prevent squirrel entry.
2. Use squirrel proof bird feeders. Squirrels love bird food and they can overrun your feeder, if it easy an easy source of food. Install standing bird feeders that are far from bushes and tree branches.
3. Install a chimney cap. Squirrels can enter chimneys if they are left open. Prevention is easier than removal!
4. Manage your trees and minimize squirrel likelihood. Trim your tree limbs so that they are at least eight feet from your home, to prevent them from jumping to your roof. Wrap a piece of sheet metal around your tree trunks about 6 feet up to prevent trees from climbing up.
5. Do not leave food sources outside. An obvious and simple fix, keep any pet or human food inside. Be sure to bring food and water dishes in at nighttime as well. Keep your garbage sealed tightly.

If you discover squirrels in your home or infesting your property, call pest control to safely remove the pests. Attempting to do so on your own can result in more damage from the squirrels’ wily, erratic behavior.