Category Archives: Squirrels

Illinois Squirrels

There are four different species of squirrels that occur in Illinois. All of these mammals have long, bushy tails, long hind feet, and can be found in wooded areas. Illinois squirrels are found throughout the state, in wooded forest areas and urban areas. Deforestation and urbanization has diminished some of the squirrel population but they remain common.

illinois squirrels

Fox squirrel: The fox squirrel is the largest species of tree squirrel native to North America. In Illinois, they are generally a brown gray or brown yellow color, with orange underside. They thrive in areas with trees that produce nuts. This species is spends more time on the ground than other types of squirrel. Fox squirrels are relatively solitary creatures and spend much time alone.

illinois squirrels

Eastern gray squirrel: This tree squirrel is native to the eastern range of North America. These squirrels have mostly gray fur but white undersides. Occasionally black and white individuals can be found in urban areas within certain populations. The gray squirrel is crepuscular, meaning they’re most active during early and late hours of the day while avoiding middle of the day heat.

illinois squirrels

Red squirrel: Red squirrels area sometimes referred to as chickarees. They can be found only in north Eastern part of the Illinois, especially near the Kankakee and Iroquois Rivers. This species prefers to eat the seeds of conifer cones. They are known for their smaller size, red fur and white underside. This species has a very high morality rate, as only about 22% reach one year of age.

illinois squirrels

Southern flying squirrel: The southern flying squirrel is one of the only flying squirrel species found in North America. They are quite common in southern Illinois, but can be found statewide. They have brown gray fur and cream undersides. Their furry membrane that extends between front and rear legs allows them to glide through the air. These highly social squirrels have been known to forage for food and glide together in large groups.

If any of these Illinois squirrels are making a home in your attic or other buildings on your property, do not hesitate to call animal control to remove them safely.

How to Squirrel Proof Your Home

Squirrels are a pesky creature known for their bushy tails and nesting behavior. They often take residence in homes or outdoor building structures, causing trouble for homeowners. They may tear up insulation in an attic, use it for nesting material, chew through electrical wires, and cause damage to your home. Once squirrels have settled in your home, they can be quite difficult to remove. Follow these tricks to squirrel proof your home.

Squirrel proof

5 Squirrel Proof Home Tips

1. Repair damaged potential entry points to home like eaves, soffits, and roofing. Squirrels can scale trees easily and have excellent jumping skills, making few heights off limits. Any tiny home damage should be examined seriously and repaired quickly to prevent squirrel entry.
2. Use squirrel proof bird feeders. Squirrels love bird food and they can overrun your feeder, if it easy an easy source of food. Install standing bird feeders that are far from bushes and tree branches.
3. Install a chimney cap. Squirrels can enter chimneys if they are left open. Prevention is easier than removal!
4. Manage your trees and minimize squirrel likelihood. Trim your tree limbs so that they are at least eight feet from your home, to prevent them from jumping to your roof. Wrap a piece of sheet metal around your tree trunks about 6 feet up to prevent trees from climbing up.
5. Do not leave food sources outside. An obvious and simple fix, keep any pet or human food inside. Be sure to bring food and water dishes in at nighttime as well. Keep your garbage sealed tightly.

If you discover squirrels in your home or infesting your property, call pest control to safely remove the pests. Attempting to do so on your own can result in more damage from the squirrels’ wily, erratic behavior.

Which Pest Is Most Dangerous?

We compare the following species of animal and insect pests to determine which ones are the most dangerous animals to your family, pets, and home.

Dangerous Pest Ranking:

1 = Most Dangerous Animal
2 = Dangerous Animal
3 = Least Dangerous Animal

dangerous animals, are raccoons dangerous

Raccoons – 2

Raccoons can be aggressive when cornered, but generally leave people and pets alone. They can cause major home/shed/yard damage, as they are incredibly curious and like to take revenge. They are known to tear apart cushions, wallpaper, garbage cans, and any food source within reach.

dangerous bats, are bats dangerous

Bats – 3

Bats are known incorrectly as being bloodthirsty vampires, but they’re quite harmless. Bats rarely bite, but their bite is nearly guaranteed to give the victim rabies if the bat is infected. Other than this potential danger, bats avoid humans. If a bat is in your home, they’re probably trying to figure out how to escape.

dangerous squirrel, are squirrels dangerous

Squirrels – 3

Squirrels can cause quite a bit of damage to yards. Squirrels are constantly searching for food, which means tearing apart the plants, gardens, and bark to find a snack. It’s debated whether squirrels carry plague or diseases that affect humans, but probably best not to take chances.

dangerous skunks, are skunks dangerous

Skunks – 2

Skunks are well known for their pungent spray smell that takes days to disappear. This smell is probably worse than any behavior they exhibit, though. Skunks are not aggressive creatures. By nature, the skunk is a defender, not a fighter. Skunks can carry distemper, roundworms and other parasites, which can cause harm to pets.

dangerous groundhogs, are groundhogs dangerous

Groundhogs – 2

Groundhogs are territorial creatures, which lead them to be aggressive, particularly near their dens. They can move significant quantities of dirt and cause structural damage to foundations and homes, aside from major garden destruction. In addition, groundhogs can also carry roundworms, which can affect dogs.

dangerous opossums, are opossums dangerous

Opossums – 3

Opossums are known for their defense of “playing dead,” and are not very aggressive. Sometimes they show off their teeth as a scare tactic. If provoked, they may attack. They are about as dangerous as a cat.

dangerous rats, are rats dangerous

Rats & Mice – 1

Rats are perhaps the most dangerous pest that could enter your home. Both rats and mice carry many diseases and parasites that are harmful to humans and pets. Rats can eat through nearly anything, including glass, electrical wiring, and wood (all of which can cause major home damage). Both reproduce very quickly and are difficult to eradicate once established in a home. Luckily, they are not aggressive animals.

*It is important to note that most of these animals are not highly aggressive and if a pest is behaving extremely aggressively towards you and your pets, it may have rabies. Contact wildlife removal immediately.

Types Of Squirrels In Our Area

Tree Squirrel, SquirrelsThe name “squirrel” comes from the Greek word skiouros, which means shade tail (the most obvious trait of a squirrel). The squirrel family is quite large and includes chipmunks, prairie dogs, and marmots, but to most people “squirrel” refers to the 122 species of tree squirrels.

Squirrels have long, thin bodies, and long bushy tails. They have furred feet and their forefeet have four digits and a thumb while their hind feet are narrow with five toes. They also have large sharp, curved claws, which helps them run up and down trees.

Tree squirrels have sharp teeth and strong jaws that they use to eat hard nuts and fruits along with seeds, insects, and sometimes even bird eggs. Their jaws and teeth are also helpful in making their nests out of branches, vines, and undergrowth.

While tree squirrels look small and cute, they can certainly do some damage if they get into your home. Thanks to their teeth and claws, this damage can be costly and extensive.

Local tree squirrels are considered pests. These squirrels can find ways to enter attics in the winter and if they do not have their acorns or trees to trim their teeth on, they may start gnawing on the wood inside your home. In addition to sharpening their teeth on wood, squirrels may chew through cables, electrical, and telephone cables in an attempt to build a nest indoors. This damage can become an expensive financial disaster.

If you find yourself with a squirrel in your home, contact Attic Solutions at 847.464.1861. We employ trained professionals who can assist you with setting live traps and humanely releasing the squirrels in the wild. Call us the moment you notice the damage and we will make it our top priority to stop your squirrel nuisance.

Attic Solutions Alert: Dangers Of Wild Animal Bites

Vicious Raccoon, Rabies, Wild Animal, pest control, animal removelA bite or scratch from any wild animal, or even that of a domestic house pet like a dog or cat, can be dangerous. Even if the wound is minor, it can become infected and spread throughout your body. Further, any bite can carry disease. One of the most common causes for worry among wild animal bites is rabies.

What Is Rabies?

Rabies is a viral infection of warm-blooded animals. It is most commonly found in bats, raccoons, skunks, coyotes, and foxes in North America, although wild animals can infect dogs, cats, and livestock. The disease attacks the nervous system and, once symptoms develop, it is 100 percent fatal in animals.

How Do You Get Rabies?

You can contract rabies through a cut or scratch on your body, or through the mucous membranes (the lining of your eyes or mouth). The virus travels to your central nervous system in your brain and then travels to various organs where it multiplies.

Rabies Symptoms

  • Stage 1 (symptoms lasting 2 to 10 days)
    • Fever
    • Headache
    • Vomiting
    • Decreased Appetite
    • Malaise
    • Pain, itching or numbness around the wound site
  • Stage 2
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Disorientation
    • Agitation
    • Becoming paralyzed

How To Diagnose Rabies

Animals are diagnosed fairly quickly. A test called direct fluorescent antibody test (DFA) is most often used by laboratories and results can be had in as little as a few hours. In humans, it is a bit more complex. Several tests must be completed for confirmation including saliva, serum, spinal fluid, and skin biopsies from the back of the neck.

What Is The Treatment For Rabies

There is not a cure for rabies and it is more difficult to treat once symptoms have presented. However, there are vaccines that provide rabies immunity following exposure or to prevent it (which is useful for people who work with animals like vets).

What To Do If Bitten By Wild Animal

  • Wash the wound with soap and water.
  • If bleeding, apply pressure.
  • Dry and cover the wound, but do not use tape or bandages to prevent trapping bacteria.
  • Call your doctor or healthcare professional for further instructions.
  • Locate the animal that bit you if possible.

How To Prevent Being Bitten

  • Avoid strange or sick animals.
  • Do not bother animals who are eating.
  • Keep pets on a leash.
  • Do not separate fighting animals.
  • Always get your family pets their rabies shots.
  • Supervise your pets outside.
  • Do not play with or approach wild animals.

As soon as you suspect you may have a wild animal infestation, call Attic Solutions immediately at 847-464-1861 for removal. We are trained professionals and equipped to deal with the issue. We will remove the animals and fix any property damage they may have caused.


The Damage Tree Squirrels Can Do To Your Home

Tree SquirrelWhile tree squirrels look small and cute, they can pack a big punch when it comes to the damage they can inflict on a home. This damage can be both extensive and costly. Not only can damage by squirrels be extensive, it can also be extremely costly.

Tree squirrels get their name from their habitat: trees. There are three types of tree squirrels including pine squirrels, gray squirrels, and fox squirrels. Pine Squirrels are active year round, most often in the morning and evening, although they are sometimes active after dark as well. Pine squirrels feed on a variety of nuts, seeds, berries, bird eggs and fungi. Gray squirrels are active year round just like pine squirrels, but they tend to be more lively in the morning and evening on dry days. Gray squirrels also feed mostly on nuts, particularly acorns, hickory nuts, beechnuts and walnuts. Occasionally they feed on maple or tulip tree seeds, fruit, opening buds and corn. Fox squirrels are most active in the morning and late afternoon and they often bury nuts for winter use. Like tree and pine squirrels, they feed primarily on hickory nuts and acorns. Fox squirrels also eat the fruit of tulip poplar, maple tree seeds, berries, bird eggs, and fungi similar to tree squirrels.

How Threat Do These Squirrels Pose?

Squirrel on a gutterAll three species of tree squirrels are considered household pests. These squirrels frequently enter attics in the winter and if they do not have their acorns or trees to trim their teeth on, they may start gnawing on the wood inside your home. Since squirrels can chew through just about anything, they pose a threat outdoors as well. They can cause considerable damage to electrical, cable, and telephone cables. This can really start to add up financially.

Have tree squirrel problems you need assistance with? Contact Attic Solutions



Deterrents for Chipmunks and Ground Squirrels

Chipmunk in a tree

Chipmunk in a tree

Chipmunks and ground squirrels (which look very similar and are often confused with being the same animal) might look adorable (especially when they’re portrayed in a cute animated movie) but make no mistake, they can wreak havoc on your yard and garden. If you’re looking for ways to deter them from making your property their home, read on.

Thanks to urban sprawl, chipmunks have adapted suburbia even though they prefer timber borders. Chipmunks are known to dig elaborate tunnels under flower beds, shrubs, trees, wood or rock piles and even porches and sidewalks. Ground squirrels favor open grasslands: think cemeteries, golf courses, and well-manicured lawns and create tunnels as well. And these tunnels are no joke. Some are as long as 20 to 30 feet with multiple points of entry, which makes it difficult to serve a permanent eviction notice.

Since it is much more difficult to get rid of chipmunks and ground squirrels once they move in, your best bet is prevent them from even considering it.

• This should be obvious, but do NOT feed them! If you feed them, they won’t want to ever leave.
• Clean up any spills from bird feeders quickly. Bird seed piled up on the ground is like a top-notch buffet to a ground squirrel or chipmunk.
• Put welded wire around deck openings and elevated sheds to prevent the critters from gaining entry.
• Install chimney caps. Yes, they can and will move into your chimney.
• These creatures are easily scared, so objects like inflatable beach balls, or plastic bags on sticks that will blow in the wind will frighten them away (until they get used to them).
• If you find a den, put lighting in it. Christmas lights, flood lamps, and bright flashlights work well. The best bet is to leave them on 24/7, but if you can’t, leave them on at night so their sleep is interrupted and unpleasant.
• Noise! Put an alarm clock, radio, or even a noisy toy in or next to their den. Again, 24/7 is best, but if that’s not possible then play it at night.
• If they make a den in your chimney, do NOT smoke them out. Place a radio in there and leave it on or lower a light down in it instead.

Ground Squirrel

Ground Squirrel

The best way to check if you have thoroughly evicted the pesky critters is to place loosely balled up newspaper at any of the entrances. Check it periodically over the course of several days and if you see it hasn’t been disturbed then you have successfully booted them out! The loose newspaper is important because if there are young ones inside the den, you do not want them trapped.

Squirrel Infestation Can Be A Health Risk To Humans

Two SquirrelsSquirrels may seem cute and innocent when they are running around in your backyard, but if they infest your home they can pose a serious health risk to the human inhabitants. While it is less common, the diseases squirrels carry are quite serious and can be harmful to pets as well. Squirrels are the primary carriers of the following diseases.

Powassan Encephalitis (POW)

This is a tick born disease and it is fatal in 10 percent of cases according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many people who experience POW do not display any symptoms, but if symptoms are experienced, they generally include fever, headache, vomiting, confusion, weakness, loss of coordination, and seizures. The incubation period (time from bite to onset of symptoms) is about one week to one month. About half of POW survivors have permanent neurological problems including memory problems, muscle wasting, and recurrent headaches.

Tick Fever

Also known as Colorado Tick Fever, Mountain Tick Fever, and American Tick Fever. The most common symptoms are headache, chills, fever, body aches, and feeling tired. Some patients have reported a body rash, vomiting, and sore throat. The incubation period is generally about one to 14 days. There are no medications or vaccines to treat Tick Fever, but life-threatening illness or death is rare.


This disease is transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. Squirrels that seem more friendly might actually be more likely to be rabid. The disease infects the central nervous system and without treatment results in death. Initial symptoms include headache, fever, and weakness. As the disease progresses, there are more specific symptoms including insomnia, anxiety, slight paralysis, hallucinations, increase in saliva, and difficulty swallowing. Once one experiences the onset of those symptoms, death usually results in a matter of days. If you are bitten by a squirrel, you should scrub and flush the wound immediately and then seek immediate attention from your doctor or emergency room.

In addition to these diseases, squirrels can carry other microorganisms and fleas. For your health (and the health of your pets if you have any) Attic Solutions employs trained professionals who can assist you by setting live traps and humanely releasing the squirrels in the wild. Call us at 847.464.1861 the moment you notice squirrels or squirrel damage.

How Much Damage Can a Squirrel Do?

Who would have thought such a small creature was capable of such destruction? Not only can damage by squirrels be extensive, it can also be extremely costly. In fact, in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 2014, a squirrel caused more than $300,000 in damage to a community center that was about to open. The squirrel got into the building and then chewed through electrical equipment, which caused a power surge damaging the boiler room as well as the heating and air conditioning. This is just one of many stories of an unruly squirrel causing significant damage to a home or business.

How Can Squirrels Do So Much Damage?

squirrel chewing pineconeSquirrels have front teeth that continually grow throughout their lives. In order to keep their teeth a manageable length, squirrels naturally chew (anything!) to cut them down. Squirrels naturally try to trim their teeth on things such as pine cones, acorns or other hard nuts and seeds from trees. Things can become problematic when squirrels do not have natural options available to them to chew on.

Squirrels can chew through just about anything. They have been known to chew through 4x6s, electric wire, roof shingles, outdoor patio furniture, home siding, barns, doors, grills, even parts of cars! This type of damage to your home and property can not only be extremely aggravating, but if you don’t eliminate the squirrel threat, it can continue to happen again and again. This can really add up financially.

How to Minimize Squirrel Damage

squirrel hidingSquirrels may be small and quick and sneaky, but they can be outsmarted and removed from your home. There are several options to rid your home or business of squirrels including live traps and squirrel repellent. You may also consider using welded wire that a squirrel cannot fit through to cover unsightly holes in areas like barns or sheds where immediate repair isn’t needed.

Live traps should be left to professionals. Attic Solutions employs trained professionals who can assist you by setting live traps and humanely releasing the squirrels in the wild. Contact us online or call us at 847.464.1861 the moment you notice damage and we will make it our top priority to stop your squirrel nuisance.

Squirrels in Attic Are Big Problem

Thank you squirrelSquirrels are one of the most common nuisance animals that invade homes and yards and they tend to find their way into the attic of a home.

Once in the attic, they can cause damage by chewing up the wires, architectural elements, and insulation and their droppings contribute to unsanitary conditions.

It is important to remove a squirrel from your attic as soon as it is discovered to minimize the damage to your home.

The following tips are helpful for removing squirrels from the attic and preventing them from returning.

For professional squirrel removal in Chicagoland
Call 847-464-1861

Live Squirrels in Attic Trapping

Live trapping of a single nuisance animal such as a squirrel can be done by the homeowner with the right equipment.  The animal traps are available from a variety of supply stores and are the most effective when baited with peanut butter and sunflower seeds or nuts.

Place the trap near where the squirrel or squirrels have been spotted in your attic and make sure to check the trap daily.  If you do trap a squirrel, then put the trap in your car and drive somewhere away from your home to release the squirrel.

If the squirrel in your home is difficult to trap or if there are multiple squirrels living in your home, it is best to have a wildlife professional trap and remove them.

Wildlife control professionals like Attic Solutions specialize in humane animal trapping and will catch and release the squirrel at a safe distance.  They can also remove multiple squirrels from your home if there is more than one living in your attic.

Related: Types of squirrels in Illinois

Preventing Squirrel Infestations

Once a squirrel is removed from a home, there is a high chance that it or another squirrel could return and enter the attic the same way as the previous squirrel.  Taking preventative actions after the squirrel is removed is the best way to avoid a reoccurring problem.

The following are common remedies for preventing squirrel infestations in your home or attic.

  • Repellants: Treating potential entry points with squirrel repellants is an effective way to help prevent squirrel infestations.  Fox urine is one such repellant that is available from hunting and outdoors supply stores.  Treating entry points with fox urine will discourage squirrels from entering the home because they will be intimidated by the potential presence of a fox.
  • Ammonia: Applying ammonia to potential entry points and areas where the animal lived can help drive squirrels out and prevent them from returning.  The strong smell of the ammonia is intolerable to squirrels that have a well-developed sense of smell.
  • Moth Balls: Mothballs are an effective remedy for squirrel control because they contain the same naphthalene flakes as squirrel repellants but are much less expensive.  They are most effective when placed in holes, gaps, and other potential entry points.
  • Close off Attic: When a squirrel makes its home in your attic, they generally leave the attic during the day and return to it at night.  While the squirrel is away, you can close off the entry point it used with mesh, vents, boards, or anything that fills the space.  This will prevent the squirrel from returning to your attic.

Related: Deterrents for chipmunks and ground squirrels

As soon as you suspect you may have a squirrel infestation, call us immediately at 847-464-1861 for removal. We are trained professionals and equipped to deal with squirrel exclusion and removal, including humane

We are trained professionals and equipped to deal with squirrel exclusion and removal, including humane live animal trapping (never poisons!). We will remove the squirrels and fix any property damage they may have caused. Click to read more about squirrel removal services from Attic Solutions.